Monday, June 25, 2012

10 ways to have fun this summer (without getting into trouble)!

While it always seems like it takes forever for Summer to come along, when it finally does,  sometimes we feel like we have absolutely NOTHING to do. We have felt your pain.  We want to help you have fun and stay out of trouble.  Here are some things we think that are totally harmless and completely fun!

1.  Have SEVERAL movie marathons with your friends! We suggest the Harry Potter series, Star Wars, and the National Lampoon movies.  They are a great way to be with your friends, have a good laugh, and pig out on junk food!
2.  Pick up a new sport! Nothing is more fun than putting yourself out there and accomplishing something you have never done.  Grab a few of your friends and share some laughs as you succeed (or fail) at a new sport.  We suggest surfing, badminton, and/or skateboarding. 
3.  Visit a family member or friend in a different city! It is always fun to get out of where you are.  Spice up your summer by taking a few days to explore somewhere new in a very inexpensive way.  We suggest visiting friends that are in college.  They can show you around and take you out!
4.  Learn to cook! I know cooking can seem tedious and boring, but start with something simple and work your way into something more complex.  It is a great feeling being able to make something and watch others enjoy it.  We suggest starting out making something like pasta or baking something like cookies.
5. Volunteer! I know, I know, doing something for others on MY summer break... doesn't sound fun. We beg to differ!  Taking a few hours out of ONE of your many summer days can be helpful for yourself and others.  It can give yourself a morale boost, and it can greatly influence someone's life and/or organization.
6. Read! Oh no.. another boring suggestion...NOT SO FAST! Jump on the bandwagon of popular books right now.  Even if you don't think it is a type of book you would like, at least you can talk about it with others and say that you've tried.  We suggest 50 Shades of Grey, Hunger Games, or Gone Girl.
7. Seek out new music! Search on iTunes or the internet for music that is similar to yours and completely different.  Even ask your friends for suggestions.  Updating your music library will make you feel accomplished and it will broaden your musical/creative knowledge.
8.  Start a blog! Even if you are a bad writer or you feel like you have nothing to say that people will want to read, writing can be therapeutic and creative. Make it like your personal journal.
9. Redecorate/rearrange your room! Your room is your sanctuary.  Literally changing your environment can make you feel like a new person!  Summer boredom can easily be remedied simply by moving around some furniture in a few different ways or going to the dollar store and adding a few new touches.  
10.  Make a bucket list! Write your own list of things you hope to accomplish this summer or this next year.  Crossing off something new every so often makes you feel accomplished and give you lots of things to look forward to!

Thanks for reading! Have a great summer!

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